Communication in the OR: Time is Money

Time in the OR is expensive- most studies estimate the cost to be $81 to $120 per minute.  That figure doesn’t include the cost of instruments, disposable materials, or surgeon/anesthesia provider fees. As a result, waste of surgical operating time has been labeled by some as the most significant barrier to real cost reduction in the OR.

A large percentage of wasted time in the OR is due to avoidable delays.  In fact, when one group tracked the source of delays in the OR, they found that about 25% of intraoperative delay time was spent on disruption that was preventable, and nearly two-thirds of those disruptions were for activities that were unnecessary or that should have been performed before surgery.

Imagine the cost-savings that can be achieved by drastically reducing, or eliminating that delay time through better communication. The OR is a complex place and there are many people in numerous capacities that must interact to keep the daily process moving forward. Having a secure technology platform that unifies the entire team is the key factor in optimizing that communication.

Of course, paramount to all of these factors is patient safety.  If we’re able to provide a smoother, more efficient experience for the patient through better communication, surgical and anesthetic times will also decrease, which will result in fewer complications and improved patient outcomes.

Stockert EW, Langerman A. Assessing the magnitude and costs of intraoperative inefficiencies attributable to surgical instrument trays. J Am Coll Surg. 2014 Oct;219(4):646-55.

Beattie C. Successful strategies for improving operating room efficiency at academic institutions. Anesth Analg. 1999 Apr;88(4):963.

Al-Hakim L, Gong XY. On the day of surgery: how long does preventable disruption prolong the patient journey? Int J Health Care Qual Assur. 2012;25:322-342.

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