3 Ways to Make Electronic Health Records Less Time-Consuming for Physicians

The new wave of technology in healthcare will vastly improve upon current EHR systems. A paradigm shift will occur when tech innovation is implemented to reduce waste through lean methodologies that focus on value-added activities. This is true throughout the entire healthcare industry and the opportunity within surgical services is among those with the greatest potential impact.

Applying analytics from real-time data will ensure continuously improving workflows that can be implemented in a way that actually reduces the burden on providers and improves the patient experience and outcomes. Interoperability among systems is critical to the success of these efforts, and it’s clear that the momentum is building for this exciting transformation to occur.

Read full article: https://hbr.org/2019/01/3-ways-to-make-electronic-health-records-less-time-consuming-for-physicians?utm_campaign=hbr&utm_source=linkedin&utm_medium=social
