Reduce SPD volume by up to 100 trays per week through OpFlow Tray Consolidation
The process of rationalizing major or workhorse instrument trays to their optimal configuration by removing unused instruments provides substantial value via immediate efficiency gains and cost reduction. Removal of the excess instruments also creates the opportunity to consolidate smaller trays into the major trays, which serves as another key value-add in the process by improving SPD throughput.
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Once space is created on the major trays, the OpFlow analytics platform can identify small (1 to 5 instrument) trays that align with the procedure groups and preference cards associated with the major trays. By applying sterile processing rules and assessing the expense/cost reduction benefit, trays that are candidates for consolidation are validated and re-configured accordingly.
The net result for a hospital equates to a reduction of up to 100 instrument trays per week that are used and therefore processed in SPD. The data-driven OpFlow approach dramatically reduces the backlog and improves SPD throughput, enhancing both the quality and efficiency of the SPD.