Smart Data: The Key to Effective Change Management in the Operating Room

Listen to the Beyond Clean podcast here: Beyond Clean: Smart Data

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Picture this: your hospital has access to a magic button that would reduce SPD volume by up to 100 trays per week and reduce tray sizes by over 35%. Sound too good to be true? On this release of the Beyond Clean Vendor Spotlight series, we talk to David Rowe and Dr. Martyn Knowles from Operative Flow Technologies. OpFlow, a data driven product focused on value optimization, uses actual instrument or supply usage data by case- collected during the case in the OR- to rationalize instruments in trays.

One of the big problems we are seeing in hospitals today is that the number of cases is not changing dramatically but the amount of instrumentation, disposables and trays is going up disproportionately to the amount of resources being filtered into the sterile processing department. David and Dr. Knowles talk specifically about how the data-driven OpFlow approach will reduce the backlog and improve SPD throughput, enhancing both the quality and efficiency of SPD. Tune in to this interview to find out how your hospital could use smart data and OpFlow to save over $2.2 million over the next few years by removing excess, unused instruments.


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