OpFlow Disposable Supply Optimization
When we focus on avoidable costs associated with disposable supplies in the operating room, waste comes in a variety of forms. Driven by the pervasively inaccurate preference card system, unnecessary expense is incurred by the hospital (and patient) related to discarded surplus materials, inefficient processes leading to sub-optimal use of labor and personnel time, and poor inventory control.
We have categorized these factors into 4 main types:
o Waste
o Over allocation
o Under allocation
o Optimal
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Waste simply accounts for disposable supplies that are opened for a case but go unused and are therefore discarded. Improving accuracy in this category represents the most readily quantifiable cost savings opportunity.
Over allocation describes instances in which the quantity listed on a preference card is higher than needed. If those items are opened, they will fall into the waste category; if the items are held, they may not be discarded, but there is considerable labor expense associated with picking items unnecessarily and spending time returning those items to inventory. Moreover, since many billing systems are based on the contents of the preference card, it contributes to billing inaccuracies and discrepancies with the inventory management system.
Under allocation is the converse scenario, in which the quantity listed on a preference card is lower than needed for a case. While avoiding the above forms of expense, there are perhaps even greater detriments incurred by stalling the case progression so that the OR team can locate a needed item.
Lastly, an optimal configuration is achieved when the item quantities on the preference card are accurate, matched to usage, and categorized correctly regarding those that should be opened and those that should be available in the room in the event that they are needed.

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Reaching an optimal state is only possible when actual usage data are collected in the OR and are leveraged to drive the analytics necessary to invoke meaningful and sustainable change of the outdated preference card system.