A picture is worth over a thousand instruments...

<img src="https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5a7cf6304c0dbf7eb12ca0bf/1564693573246-EFFM07NGBKE0V2AUAPOO/IMG_8172.jpg" alt="IMG_8172.jpg" />


These are the instruments removed from 2 instrument tray types in the Vascular service line alone at one hospital using OpFlow. Yes, that’s over 1,200 instruments.

Our data-driven approach ensures that every instrument needed remains on the tray, while any excess is removed. That surplus no longer undergoes unnecessary processing and the need for instrument re-purchase is dramatically reduced.

The cost savings implications are huge. By reducing this instrument tray size by 39%, the cost of sterile processing decreases, turnover and set-up time in the OR is shortened, and tray accuracy improves, among many other tangible benefits.

Through OpFlow’s data analytics, all of this is accomplished while maintaining the highest level of patient care and safety.

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