What is instrument tray rationalization?


<img src="https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5a7cf6304c0dbf7eb12ca0bf/1564772285403-40XPC9Z7S270LE8515TK/Rationalization%2Bdefinition.jpg" alt="Rationalization+definition.jpg" />

The process of re-evaluating instrument tray contents is described in various ways. We believe that rationalization best describes the process as performed with the OpFlow analytics engine.

We are collecting real-time instrument usage data in a digital format, so that analytics can be performed rapidly to determine which instruments are necessary for the tray and which can be safely removed. 

The instrument usage data are stratified across service lines, surgeons, and procedure types to ensure that absolute fidelity is upheld in the rationalized tray configuration generated by OpFlow.
